
Text, Image and Meaning

Development of image and its meaning
Here are 3 images merged to show the development of an image and its meaning. I wanted to experiment with how the meaning of an image can be altered by how and what you use to produce it. I wanted to answer questions like 'Does the time taken to produce something affect its personal value to the artist and can that be translated to its audience?' and 'Does something have to have an interpretable meaning for it to be a good picture?'. I produced an oil painting of the original photograph and developed that further by overlaying a quote from Gerhard Richter which I believe sums up the notion of an image having meaning very well. The basic computerised font was used to portray how an oil painting, something that takes many hours to produce and yet has little interpretable meaning, can be edited so quickly through modern technology to produce something that has so many more layers and underlying meanings to it.


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Read between the lines. please.